Coronavirus: the state of the world facing the pandemic Tuesday, April 21

In Kranidi, Greece, on April 21, migrants in a hotel used as a refuge after authorities found several cases of the new coronavirus and quarantined the area. REUTERS / Costas Baltas

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Over 2.5 million cases of Covid-19 have been officially reported worldwide, 80% of them in Europe. The governments of the old continent are considering the right measures to follow to limit the number of new cases during progressive deconfinement. Further west, on the American continent, the situation worsens.


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The Covid-19 epidemic has killed 20,796 people in France since the beginning of March, including 531 deaths recorded since Monday, but the pressure on hospitals is gradually easing, announced on Tuesday the Director General of Health. In total, 12,900 people died in hospital, 387 more since Monday, and 7,896 in nursing homes and other medico-social establishments (+144), said Jérôme Salomon during his daily press briefing. But the number of people hospitalized and in intensive care continues to decline slowly.

The government wants to remain cautious and continues to question the good rules of deconfinement which should start on May 11. The ministers are to deliver a first draft of their plans to Matignon on Wednesday. They will then be assembled by the coordinator Jean Castex at the head of a team of ten people including two former directors general of Health, prefects and senior officials but also a researcher in behavioral sciences. Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said Tuesday a return to school spread over three weeks, by class levels with groups never exceeding 15 students.

On May 11, only 6% of the population will have been infected with the coronavirus according to the Pasteur Institute, a level too insufficient to avoid a second wave.

Denmark: no big events until September

In Denmark, no assembly of more than 500 people will be allowed before September 1. This measure aims to avoid "super contamination", said Tuesday the head of government Mette Frederiksen. Like many of its neighbors, the country is gradually lifting restrictions related to the fight against the coronavirus. Currently gatherings of more than 10 people are also prohibited until May 10. Schools and small businesses such as hair and tattoo parlors have already reopened. Colleges, high schools, restaurants and bars are slated to reopen on May 11.

In Germany, wearing a mandatory mask

Germany is also beginning a gradual deconfinement. From next week, wearing a mask will become compulsory in public transport in Berlin, as in 10 out of 16 German states. In some cases, this obligation also applies in shops.

With more than 143,000 cases officially recorded for around 4,600 deaths, the pandemic is "  under control and manageable  " in Germany according to Minister of Health Jens Spahn.

Greece: a city welcoming migrants quarantined

One hundred and fifty migrants tested positive for coronavirus in a hotel in southern Greece. The building accommodates a total of 470 refugees and was placed in isolation on April 16. A first positive test conducted on a pregnant woman had launched the alert. The Greek authorities have quarantined the town of Kranidi, located 5 km from the hotel. Everyone who has been in contact with asylum seekers should be tested, said the city mayor. The Immigration Ministry has decided to extend the confinement imposed on all camps in Greece until May 10.

Greece, under strict confinement since March 12, reports at this stage 2,245 coronavirus contaminations and 116 deaths throughout the country. The government announced on Tuesday that it was working on a gradual deconfinement plan which notably provides for the resumption of judicial services from April 27.

For "equitable access" to future vaccines

The 193 members of the UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution calling for "  equitable access  " to "  future vaccines  " against Covid-19. To do this, it is necessary " to strengthen international scientific cooperation in order to combat Covid 19 and to intensify coordination  ", specifies the text initiated by Mexico. It is now up to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to ensure that the means committed make it possible to "  guarantee fair, transparent, equitable, effective access and distribution, to prevention tools, laboratory tests, drugs and future Covid vaccines. -19  ".

Behind the coronavirus, the threat of starvation

The number of people on the verge of starvation is likely to double in 2020 due to the Covid-19, which would lead to a global humanitarian disaster. The World Food Program (WFP) released its projections on Tuesday. This number has already increased from 113 to 135 million between 2018 and 2019 but it could explode in 2020 passing to 265 million people threatened by famine, a figure influenced by conflicts and climate problems but especially by the economic impact of the pandemic.

Before the United Nations Security Council, the head of the WFP recalled that every day already "  around 21,000 people die in the world from hunger-related causes  ".

Trump wants to stop immigration

To protect American jobs from the "invisible enemy," President Donald Trump announced plans to "temporarily halt" immigration to the United States. A presidential decree could thus stop the issuance of work visas and permanent resident cards (Green Card). 22 million Americans lost their jobs due to the confinement imposed to deal with the Covid-19. The country is most affected by the epidemic which has killed more than 42,000 people.

Mexico in phase 3

In Mexico the increasingly rapid increase in the number of cases has pushed the government declared the country in phase 3 facing the epidemic of coronavirus. Authorities fear a saturation of the hospital system. For the time being, the country officially counts nearly 9,000 cases and 712 deaths. The peak in the number of new daily cases is expected around May 10. All non-essential activity was therefore suspended until May 30. Authorities have urged Mexicans to stay at home even though confinement is not yet mandatory.

Iran: provisional release of 1,000 foreign detainees

Iranian justice announced on Tuesday the provisional release of more than 1,000 foreign detainees. Last week a panel of UN human rights experts called on Iran to expand its list of detainees on temporary absences to "prisoners of conscience and binationals and foreigners. Franco-Iranian researcher Fariba Adelkhah is said to be still detained. The Islamic Republic does not recognize dual nationality. Since March 100,000 prisoners have been temporarily released at least until May 20.

Taiwan: Defense Minister's Apologies

Taiwanese Defense Minister apologized after discovery of coronavirus cases in the navy. He said he was ready to step down if asked. 27 sailors were contaminated aboard a naval vessel returning from mission in the Palau archipelago in Micronesia. All passengers have been quarantined, but research is currently underway to identify the thousands of people they may have infected. Taiwan has so far been relatively unaffected by the coronavirus epidemic.

Our selection on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

Listen to Coronavirus Info , daily chronicle on the pandemic

Explanation:  The origins of the Covid-19

What strategies to face the epidemic ?
What impact on conflict zones?

Practical questions:
What we know about the mode of contagion
How do we treat the sick ?
What results for the ongoing clinical trials?
How the Institut Pasteur hopes to find a vaccine
How to make a mask and use it well

Find all our articles, reports, chronicles and programs on the coronavirus by clicking here .

See also the files of RFI Savoirs  on the Covid-19:
Birth of a pandemic
Everyday life to the test
•  The history of epidemics

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