
Today (21st) This content, I will talk in detail with North Korean expert Ahn Jung-sik, a North Korean journalist.

Q. Do you have any other information about Kim Jong-un's health ideals?

[Ahn Jung-sik / Reporter in North Korea: Actually, yesterday morning, I first heard this information about health abnormalities. I couldn't tell you the exact content because of the protection of the reporter. It was completely different from the information magazine that you saw on the previous report six years ago. So yesterday, all of our SBS reporters at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Security tried to confirm this intelligence, but the government's response was true, and it wasn't confirmed.]

Q. What is Kim Jong-un's body condition?

[Ahn Jung-sik / Reporter in North Korea: So far, there have been a lot of reports reported today. If you look at what you've seen so far, it's going to come out next to my screen, there's an information sheet six years ago, unconfirmed information I've heard in the morning, and the Daily NK report yesterday evening, and four CNN reports this morning. I told you now that the fact sheet was true. And even if the facts that I heard yesterday or reports of Daily NK were true, Kim's condition is not serious, but it is mild now. The problem is the CNN report, but CNN is in a serious position, Kim said. However, if the US officials based on the CNN reported were talking about what was wandering in Korea, this would not mean much, and if anything, it was based on the high-level government of the United States that Korea does not know. The situation is changing, but the situation has not been captured so far.]

Q. Are there any signs of abnormality in Pyongyang?

[Ahn Jung-sik / Reporter from North Korea: There was an incident to pay attention to recently. When President Trump said he received a letter from Chairman Kim, North Korea immediately denied it. The immediate denial of North Korea's top leadership is that North Korea's decision-making system is working. So overall, there seems to be no major illness in Pyongyang, but anyway, I think we should watch the North Korean situation to see if Chairman Kim will show up anytime soon.]  

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