Senegal: seers and marabouts deserted due to coronavirus pandemic

Senegalese graffiti artists from the RBS group encourage the population to protect themselves from the epidemic threat, in Dakar, March 25, 2020. REUTERS / Zohra Bensemra

The coronavirus pandemic can also have sometimes unexpected economic consequences. In Senegal, throughout the year, many Senegalese consult the marabouts, seers and other healers several times a month. Consultations which often take place face to face, but the clientele is scarce. The environment had to adapt to the conditions imposed by the pandemic.


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Recognized clairvoyant in Senegal, Selbé Ndom has a specialty: sacrifices. With coronavirus, more customers and their door remains closed.

“The work is finished for the moment. We are waiting for the curfew to be lifted and then we will start working again  , ”she said.

Consultations took place most often at night ... Except that from 8:00 p.m. every day is the start of the curfew.

At Thierno Amadou Gueye, a marabout healer in Saint Louis, in the north of the country, the number of sessions has been reduced like pain.

“  Normally, people do not consult much during the day. They prefer the night, that is to say after dusk but unfortunately, with the curfew, you see that the shortfall is felt, because people who come in the morning, are scarce,  "explains before adding that the solution is telework, telephone consultation: "  Remote consultation can be done in 24 hours to try to compensate for certain losses and then, you have to assist people because 'they need it now '.

Many calls concern the coronavirus and possible symptoms. In this case, the marabout redirects his patients to modern medicine and the toll-free number of the Ministry of Health. And this toll free number is 800 00 50 50.

► Read also: Coronavirus: how Senegal copes with the pandemic

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