Paris (AFP)

The Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced Sunday the reinstatement "from" Monday of a "visitation right for families" in nursing homes, under "extremely limited" conditions, during a press conference in Matignon .

"This right of visit, very supervised, could apply under the same conditions for establishments which welcome this time people with disabilities," said the Minister.

"We have together developed new recommendations which will allow, from (Monday) the organization in the territories (...) of visiting rights for families in the direction of their frail elders" residing in these accommodation establishments for elderly and dependent people.

"It will be at the resident's request, it will be under extremely, you imagine, limited conditions, no more than two people from the family (...), it will be under the responsibility of the management of establishments who will have to say to the family when it is possible and under what conditions, "added Mr. Véran.

He added "the continued impossibility of going to touch the person, of being in physical contact". "However, there will be eye contact," he concluded.

The Minister also announced that the Ehpad test campaign, announced a fortnight ago, had started. "This week, 50,000 tests have been scheduled and carried out in the Ehpad," he said.

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