• Mes, there is a clash in the majority between M5s and Pd. Count: look forward to evaluating it
  • Conte in the Chamber in the Chamber on April 21 for information
  • Conte: "I will fight for eurobonds. Mes is an inadequate tool"


19 April 2020Many European countries have so far only looked at their own advantages, Germany has "a trade balance higher than the EU rules" and with this surplus it does not act as a locomotive but as a "brake for Europe". This is what Giuseppe Conte says in an interview with the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, anticipated on the website of the German newspaper.

"Mes has a bad reputation, let's not forget Greece"
Mes in Italy has a bad reputation. This is what Giuseppe Conte explains in the interview with the Sueddeutsche Zeitung. "We have not forgotten that the Greeks, in the last financial crisis, were asked for unacceptable sacrifices to get the credits," says the Prime Minister.

"Italy left alone, I appreciate the EU apology"
"It is indisputable: Italy has been left alone" added Giuseppe Conte, answering a question about the feeling of Italians being left alone at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis. "Ursula von der Leyen also apologized for this on behalf of the European Union, in the European Parliament. I must say that I very much appreciated this gesture."