China News Service, April 20, according to foreign media reports, on the 19th local time, the Canadian police released news that a shooting incident in Nova Scotia caused at least 13 deaths.

  The provincial police officer Chris Reed said that "more than 10 people were killed," and later called the number of dead "at least 13 people." Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokesman Daniel Brian also confirmed that at least 13 people were killed in the shooting. He said that the possibility that the death toll will rise will not be ruled out.

  According to reports, there was a policeman among the dead. Police said the gunman's name was Gabriel Waterman, 51 years old, and he died after shooting in several places across the province. They said they are still working to determine the final number of deaths.

  "To Nova Scotia, today is a catastrophic day, and it will remain in the minds of many people for many years to come," Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commander Lee Bergman said on the evening of the 19th.

  According to reports, Waterman is wearing a uniform similar to a policeman, and the motive for the crime is still unclear. Police said the suspect was not an employee of the Royal Mounted Police.