• Direct: Follow the coronavirus crisis to the minute
  • Complaint: Family members and inmates of the Orpea Alcobendas residence ask for intervention after 17 deaths

A 76-year-old man, interned in a nursing home in Alcobendas (Madrid), died this Thursday morning after rushing through a window in the center. The deceased was sick with coranaviruses , as confirmed by the Police to this newspaper, which investigates the causes of the event.

The same sources have pointed out that the man has fallen from a second floor . He had not left any farewell letter, although the Police are considering the suicide hypothesis.

The residence where the man lived, Orpea Alcobendas, has recently been denounced by 59 family members and inmates after at least 17 deaths have occurred in the center in the last month.

The complainants have accused the management of the residence of the "negligent" lack of human and material resources to fight against Covid-19, as well as of lack of information, and have asked the competent authorities and the Prosecutor's Office to intervene so that no more contagion and deaths continue to occur.

The residence hall has denied all the accusations and they have assured this newspaper that they have means of protection and that the staff on leave for coronavirus has been replaced. They have also pointed out that families receive daily information from their inmates.

Another residence of the same group, Orpea Sanchinarro, where there have also been several deaths during this crisis, has been denounced by the Patient Advocate Association before the State Attorney General's Office for "inadequate care and lack of personnel," as reported by Europa Press. this Thursday.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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