“The spread of coronavirus infection, of course, is a serious test that Russia and the whole world are going through, and the most important thing for us today is to protect the citizens of our country and our economy,” he said.

As Mishustin noted, the government continues to take measures to combat the spread of infection.

“The fight against coronavirus infection is, of course, our first priority today. We all do our best to restrain the spread of the virus, Russian doctors are fighting around the clock for the lives and health of patients, they work, not wanting not to themselves. Volunteers today help people who find it difficult to take care of themselves. Citizens who comply with the regime of self-isolation and all the prescriptions of the authorities make a big contribution, ”he added.

Earlier, during a meeting with governors, Russian leader Vladimir Putin addressed citizens, urging them to “withstand” the regime of self-isolation, since “there is no choice now.”

According to Mishustin, because of the coronavirus, Russia will not receive a large amount of income, which will be a serious blow to the budget.