On the 3rd, Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimit Motegi declared that Takeshima (竹 島, the name of Dokdo claimed by Japan) is Japan's own territory in relation to the Blue House National Petition to name the Corona 19 diagnostic kit for export as 'Dokdo'.

Foreign Minister Motegi pointed out to the House of Representatives that a petition to the Dokdo for the name of the Korean diagnostic kit was received by the Liberal Democratic Party on the day of the House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee. "We plan to respond calmly and resolutely."

"The South Korean government has proposed an appropriate response to the matter through diplomatic routes," he said.

Foreign Minister Motegi added, "We will keep an eye on trends in the future." Now, while the international community needs to cooperate and overcome coronavirus infection, we should not crack international cooperation related to coronavirus infection on other agendas. "

He also said, "I personally don't like the word" Dokdo. "

In a speech to the National Assembly on January 20, Foreign Minister Motegi reaffirmed, "Takeshima is Japan's own territory in terms of historical facts and international law."

The Liberal Democratic Party's Nakasone Yasutaka introduced to the petition submitted to the Blue House website during a related inquiry that 320,000 people were in favor of it on the 30th of last month. Japan's movement cannot be overlooked, of course, in Japan. "

Nakasone is the grandson of Yashiro Nakasone (1918-2019), a representative right-wing politician in Japan who served as prime minister in the 1980s.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)