China News Online, March 28th (Reporter Chen Jing) The 32nd Patriotic Health Month in Shanghai and the 30th Health Education Week started on the 28th, and will carry out environmental sanitation in urban and rural areas, bazaars, and old neighborhoods. Great improvement actions.

Eleven departments, including the Shanghai Municipal Health and Welfare Association, the Municipal Health Promotion Commission, and the Municipal Civilization Office, jointly issued a proposal to all citizens. Multi-department collaboration and the participation of the whole society strengthened the results of epidemic prevention and shared a healthy life.

The Shanghai Patriotic Health Association introduced that the Patriotic Health Month began in 1989. It aims to strengthen the concept of general health, mobilize the whole society, and improve the awareness and ability of the people to self-care and improve the environment.

At present, Shanghai is focusing on prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and resumes work and resumes production with one hand. This year, Shanghai's Patriotic Health Month aims to further help scientific epidemic prevention and create a healthy atmosphere. This year's Patriotic Health Month will focus on the improvement of the living environment, carry out three major actions to improve the environmental sanitation of urban and rural appearances, bazaars and old communities, strengthen the main responsibility of various public places, and effectively solve the environmental health problems that people care about. Establish and improve a long-term mechanism for environmental health management.

Shanghai will organize a spring rodent eradication and early spring mosquito killing operation, combining professional control with mass participation to lay the foundation for the prevention and control of arsenic-borne diseases such as epidemic hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever.

The eleven departments jointly issued a proposal to all citizens. Photo courtesy of Shanghai Health Promotion Office

In response to spitting behaviors, the Shanghai Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will also organize urban management law enforcement agencies at all levels to strengthen law enforcement, focusing on increasing inspections of public places such as roads, bus stops, and commercial squares.

Shanghai Love Health Association, Shanghai Health Promotion Committee and Shanghai Civilization Office, Municipal Housing and Construction Committee, Municipal Agriculture Committee, Municipal Health and Health Committee, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Greening and Appearance Bureau, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Youth League Committee, Municipal Women's Federation One department jointly issued a proposal to all people: advocating civilization, eliminating bad habits, observing public morals, maintaining order, participating actively, starting with me, developing good hygiene habits, maintaining clean urban and rural environments, and practicing healthy lifestyles. Through multi-department collaboration and the participation of the whole society, we will continue to consolidate the results of epidemic prevention and control, fully carry forward the patriotic health tradition, and improve the healthy Shanghai energy level with the self-discipline and rationality, accomplishment and civilization of all Shanghai residents, and work together to create a model of a healthy city. (Finish)