Ritsumin recommendation of rules for representative election Nomination of 20 or more members of parliament for nomination March 24 6:43

The Constitutional Democratic Party has drafted an outline of the rules for conducting a representative election, which had not been set before, and requires that at least 20 members of the Diet be recommended to run.

The Constitutional Democratic Party has drafted an outline of rules for holding election elections, which had not been set before, before Mr. Eda's term expires in September.

It states that the national election will take place within 30 days before the expiration of the term, and that only members of the party's parliament will be able to run for the appointment, requiring a minimum of 20 members of parliament.

In the election, an extraordinary party convention will be held, and 2 points will be allocated to members of parliament, and 1 point will be allocated to each candidate who is a candidate for national election.

Local lawmakers and party members will vote by mail and allocate points according to the number of members of parliament and prospective candidates on a don't-do basis.

On the other hand, "constitutional partners" who can participate in party activities for 500 yen per year cannot participate in voting, and members of parliament and others say that "listen to the opinions and vote as much as possible."

The party executive has decided to compile rules for the national election based on this outline.