The UAE strongly condemned the killing of staff of the Emirates Red Crescent team, humanitarian workers in Aden. At a time when the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar Gargash, yesterday denounced the terrorist operation that targeted two Emirati Red Crescent employees in the capital, Aden, stressing that it was a despicable and cowardly act. And international conventions, and expressed its condemnation of targeting two of its employees for kidnapping and killing them in Aden

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation affirmed that the UAE expresses its strong condemnation of these criminal acts and its permanent rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilizing security and stability and is incompatible with religious and human values ​​and principles.

The Ministry expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families and families of the victims and the Red Crescent Authority for this heinous crime, stressing that targeting humanitarian workers is in violation of all international treaties that provide special protection for relief and rescue workers. The Ministry appreciated the humanitarian efforts carried out by the Emirates Red Crescent Authority in Yemen and other countries to provide all forms of assistance to alleviate those affected.

Gargash said in a tweet on Twitter: "The Emirati Red Crescent efforts are an integral part of the state's humanitarian efforts." The targeting of the hand of terrorism by two of the commission's employees in Aden made a mean and cowardly act against those who spread good and hope.

He added: «The UAE has paid a heavy price in Afghanistan, Yemen, and others. Our conviction remains that good always triumphs over evil. ”

For its part, the commission expressed in a statement its condemnation and deep regret for the loss of two of its employees, the coordinator of relief operations Ahmed Fouad Al-Yousifi and his colleague Mohammed Tariq, while performing their duties in an area considered difficult and complex after they were kidnapped by gunmen in a car in the Al-Drees area of ​​Mansoura in Aden in Aden , And they were finally found murdered after they were tied up and shot. Al-Hilal stressed that targeting humanitarian workers is a major violation of international treaties and standards that provide special protection for relief workers, medical workers and rescue teams, noting that such hostilities would hinder the continuation of relief operations and prevent the delivery of humanitarian aid to those affected by events in Yemen, which could exacerbate their suffering and decline their conditions.

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority confirmed that its humanitarian efforts will continue on the Yemeni scene wherever there is a need for assistance despite the risks involved.