In Russia, 54 new cases of infection with the coronovirus COVID-19 were recorded per day. The disease was detected in nine regions - 33 patients in Moscow, six in Yakutia, and four each in St. Petersburg and the Samara region. Two more cases were registered in the Kirov and Novosibirsk regions, and one each in the Moscow Region, Ulyanovsk and Tyumen regions.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the patients visited countries with unfavorable epidemiological conditions, all of them were hospitalized in infectious boxes.

As of March 20, a total of 253 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Russia, of which 131 in Moscow.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin said that the issue of quarantining Moscow is not being discussed. This was stated by spokesman for the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov.

“It’s not being discussed in any way,” he confirmed.

We will remind, earlier the press secretary of the Moscow Mayor Gulnara Penkova called the reports that the Moscow mayor's office held meetings on quarantine because of the coronavirus, "slanderous information."

On the eve of the coronavirus control headquarters, it also announced that information about curfews imposed in Moscow in connection with the disease was false, and called for trust only in official sources.

In turn, Roskomnadzor demanded that a number of media and social networks remove false information about the virus. The department noted that fake news is distributed under the guise of reliable information and pose a threat to massive disruption of public order and security.

As a precaution, employees of metropolitan utilities daily disinfect house entrances, the city hall told. In particular, several times a day, door handles, stair handrails and elevator buttons are treated with a special antibacterial agent.

“The units of the municipal economy complex have been instructed to strengthen measures for the deratization, disinsection and disinfection of urban areas and the residential facilities located on them, including playgrounds and places for the accumulation of municipal solid waste,” said Peter the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Peter Biryukov.

In addition, an official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko, said that a working group on preventing the spread of COVID-19 had appeared in the department. The group, in particular, organized constant monitoring of the health status of employees in order to exclude access to objects of the central office and territorial investigative bodies of persons with signs of SARS.

It is worth noting that the World Health Organization (WHO) praised the measures taken by Russia to combat the disease.

“The country (Russia. - RT ) takes significant measures to test and track contacts to ensure that all cases are identified and conducted as necessary,” RIA Novosti quoted the organization’s representative in Russia, Melita Vujnovich.

According to her, the abolition of sporting events, concerts and other major events, where a significant congestion is expected, can help slow down the spread of the virus.

Also on RT card: in which regions of Russia coronavirus infection COVID-19 was recorded

The number of deaths from coronavirus in the world has already exceeded 9 thousand. This was said by the Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus.

“Every day, COVID-19 reaches a new tragic mark. The WHO reported more than 210 thousand patients, and over 9 thousand people died, ”he confirmed.

In Italy, more than other European countries affected by coronavirus, 627 people have died in the last 24 hours. The head of the civil defense of the country, Angelo Borrelli, said that this is the highest figure since the outbreak. The number of infected in Italy exceeded 47 thousand people.

Countries where infections have been reported continue to take action to stop the spread of the epidemic. Thus, the United States announced the suspension of visas in all countries. It is clarified that from March 20, diplomatic missions cancel all meetings on immigration and other visas, but will continue to provide services to US citizens.

Recall, due to the spread of coronavirus, all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation switched to high alert mode. Persons arriving on Russian territory must be quarantined for 14 days.