According to Per Edberg, many experience an increased workload as teachers plan both for an upcoming school activity and a possible closure. The teachers, among other things, have many questions about how to catch up.

- Others wonder if it is dangerous at work, if you can get infected, says Per Edberg.

Another problem is that a number of different decisions have been made within a short time from the municipality regarding how teachers should act in corona times.

Daniel Nordgren, head of primary and elementary school for the East region, agrees that it has been messy this past week.

- Some information has gone out and then we have had to take back what applies. I understand that it is messy. But I think that the message has finally become clear, he tells SVT.

In the clip above you hear Bodil Holmberg at Tomtebogårdsskolan in Umeå. She just came home from a trip abroad - but during the week received different messages about whether she should work or not.