Okinawa Henoko landfill Government application for design change to prefecture next month March 21 4:03

Following a plan to relocate the U.S. military's Futenma base in Okinawa to Henoko, Nago, the government has decided to apply to Okinawa Prefecture next month for a design change to improve the soft ground at the landfill site. Okinawa Prefecture will not allow any changes to prevent relocation, and the conflict between the country and the prefecture is expected to prolong.

Over the relocation plan of the U.S. Army Futenma base, the government reviewed the design to improve the soft ground at the landfill site, estimated that the construction period until operation start will be about 12 years and the cost will be about 930 billion yen. You.

With regard to land reclamation, in a case where Okinawa Prefecture sued the country, the ruling sentenced by the Supreme Court on 26th of next week will be sentenced without opening the necessary argument when changing the judgment, and the Okinawa Prefecture side is expected to lose. Has become.

In response to the ruling, the government has decided to apply for a design change to Okinawa Prefecture next month.

Okinawa Prefecture will not allow any changes to prevent relocation, and the conflict between the country and the prefecture is expected to prolong.