• Coronavirus, Fontana: "We need more stringent measures". Hundreds of doctors from other regions


20 March 2020 "It is a compact front with which Lombardy asks the government to put in place new stringent limitations to counter the spread of Coronavirus". So the president of the region, Attilio Fontana, the mayors of the provincial capitals of Lombardy, the president of Anci Lombardia and that of the UPL comment on the meeting that took place in the afternoon today.

"We have sent a series of proposals to the Government which, if it is not considered appropriate to apply throughout the country, would however be implemented in the whole of Lombardy. The data on the health emergency require us to act in the shortest possible time: only with a further action to contain interpersonal contacts we can try to reverse an increasingly serious trend ".

The document sent to the government provides for a series of proposals, many of which confirm what has already been provided for by the latest government ministerial decree

Among the further and numerous requests sent today by the Region and by the mayors to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, which is proposed to remain in force until April 30, we also mention: the suspension of the activity of the Public Offices, without prejudice to the 'provision of essential and public utility services'; the suspension of all weekly citizen markets; suspension of activities relating to personal services (including tobacconists, hairdressers, barbers, beauticians); the closure of the activities of professional offices except those relating to indifferent services; the stoppage of activities on temporary construction sites; the closure of the so-called 'h24' vending machines which distribute drinks and packaged foods; the prohibition to practice sports and physical activities carried out outdoors, even individually. Newsagents, pharmacies and parapharmacies remain open but the interpersonal safety distance of one meter must be guaranteed in any case.