
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea March 20, 2020 A call to the arms of health because answers are needed immediately to combat Coronavirus was pronounced by Francesco Boccia, minister for Regional Affairs, during a point on the Covid-19 situation together with Angelo Borrelli at the Civil Protection: "Tonight we are able, as proposed by Premier Conte yesterday, to open an online call , active from this moment, to allow all Italian doctors who want and can join the task force that Borrelli will coordinate from tomorrow morning. A call for 300 volunteer doctors "to be sent to the regions most affected by Coronavirus, Lombardy and the province of Piacenza in the first place. "A call to arms of health, an operation never done before - he adds -, but we must answer immediately because we have to close in 24 hours".

Boccia asked in the Coordination with Regions, Anci and Upi to stop the race for ordinances as the only race to do is on Intensive Care posts : "I ask not to make single ordinances because they do not affect if they are not homogenized with the indications of the State "and" to wait for the Government, which from the first moment is working to homogenize the measures more and more ". Now "what matters is how many Intensive Care places are opened every day - he said -, this must be our common collective obsession to save the lives of Italians". "It does not matter how many ordinances are made because at the end of the emergency we will all be judged on the increase in Intensive Care - said Boccia - on how many lives will have been saved and how and how much we will have defended the universal constitutional right to health" .

Boccia stressed that "Commissioner Arcuri is buying fans and respirators for Intensive Care from all parts of the world".

Boccia then stressed: "The best vaccine right now is our behavior: we have to stay at home . We have to devote all the energy we have to double the places in the Intensive Care Unit. In 20 days we have gone from 5.324 to 7.6954, we are running, we run nonstop and our race must be faster than the Coronavirus infection. We can win if people stay at home. "

At the end of the press conference Borrelli announced that " ten online candidates have already arrived " of 300 doctors for the task force to be sent to Lombardy.