Three students devised a smart way to measure healthy fitness for obese people, including women, senior citizens, and others, by planting pods in the joints of a person's legs, which in turn records the movement of the body, and identifies the wrong practices to which he is exposed, as a result of a person's activity, It also measures the percentage of obesity.

The female students, Mahra Saeed Al-Yamahi, Badriya Rashid Al-Yamahi, and Amal Rashid Al-Yamahi told «Emirates Today» that this method contributes to helping doctors make a sound and rapid diagnosis of the patient’s condition of obesity, and identifies the wrong practices that lead to dangerous complications for the patient’s health. They stated that they had completed the project within four months, and they would work in the future to present it to the competent authorities, including the Ministry of Health, to develop and benefit from it.

The students participated in the project in the National Science, Technology and Innovation Festival, which was organized by the Ministry of Education in early February in Festival Arena - Dubai.

The students confirmed that the project was well received by the Evaluation Committee, which provided them with a set of observations to develop it and make it applicable on the ground.