North Korea's North Korean leader Kim Jong-un led the artillery shooting match against the Western Front's coalition forces on the 20th.

The correspondent said, “The comrade Kim Jong-un led the artillery shooting match of the Western Front Unit of the Chosun People's Army on March 20.” Awakening. "

He also introduced, "It was conducted with the aim of fundamentally improving all forms, contents and methods of artillery training and transforming peacetime training into practical practical training to thoroughly combat war."

Artillery units under the 3rd, 4th, and 8th Corps participated in the match, and Kim Su-gil, the chief of chief political officer, and chief of staff, Park Chung-cheon, received Kim.

Chairman Kim listened to reports from the Chief of Staff General Park on the order and method of conducting artillery fire at the monitoring station and led the game.

Chairman Kim praised that the Western Front artillery, especially the 3rd Legion artillery, seemed to be hitting the target with a sniper weapon, satisfied that they were shooting really well.

(yunhap news)