A homeless person alone on the street. - I. Fassbender / AFP

Since the start of the coronavirus crisis and, a fortiori, since the triggering of containment measures, associations helping homeless people have faced a brutal deficit of volunteers. This lack, accentuated by new health constraints, has led several associations to reduce or even suspend the distribution of food aid. At the risk of making people who are already poor more precarious.

This is why the city of Nantes decided, in connection with the associative fabric, to react. "I make it a point of honor that we pay special attention to the most fragile audiences during this period," says Johanna Rolland.

Municipal agents to reinforce

Concretely, logistical and human support will be provided to the Food Bank, which collects food for the benefit of around thirty associations. Volunteer agents from the city of Nantes will come to reinforce associations to compensate for the lack of volunteers.

Three exceptional food distribution sites will be created to better distribute the public and thus "avoid population concentrations" likely to promote the spread of the virus. These are 32 quai de Versailles (with Caarud), Parc de la Moutonnerie (with Anef Ferrer) and 5 rue de la Garde (with Restos du Coeur). They will complement the distribution centers still in operation (Espace Agnès-Varda, Le 24 Bis, L'Aurore and L'Autre Cantine).

In addition, Adelis will strengthen its catering system at the Beaulieu site to provide up to 120 additional meals per day. The marauders of the Red Cross, Action cold and the Samu Social are also maintained.

A shelter for the sick

On the state side, 570 emergency accommodation places are maintained in Loire-Atlantique insofar as the winter reinforcement period is "extended until May 31", announces the prefect. Fifty additional places in hotel rooms are open (out of a total of 327) to "meet unmet needs". Meals are provided for families. The prefect also indicates that a "reflection is underway" to reserve bungalows at the Petit-Port campsite.

Finally, for structures that have no possibility of isolating possible patients and for people on the street, a “specialized accommodation center for non-serious patients” is being set up, adds the prefecture. will be located in Saint Aignan-de-Grand-Lieu. Access to these centers will be on medical advice only. Management will be ensured by civil protection.


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Coronavirus: What solutions are planned for the homeless during confinement?

  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Nantes
  • Homeless