The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) has warned individuals not to be exposed to fraud related to the emerging corona virus (Covid 19), in a number of countries, calling for caution and caution when purchasing any medical supplies via the Internet during this period, explaining that with increasing demand for Masks and medical supplies Worldwide, fraudsters open fake stores on the Internet to sell these items with the aim of electronic fraud.

On its official website, Interpol said it had spotted fraudsters benefiting from individual anxiety and defrauding them online, calling on individuals to be careful when purchasing medical supplies over the Internet during the current health crisis.

He pointed out that with the rise in demand for surgical masks and medical supplies, and with the difficulty of finding them in retail stores in some countries, fake stores, websites, social media accounts and e-mail addresses claiming to sell these items on the Internet appeared, adding that there were individuals who fell victims For these scammers, their money was taken away.

Interpol considered these methods one of several types of financial fraud schemes associated with the ongoing global health crisis reported by INTERPOL by the authorities in its member countries.

Interpol has reviewed some fraud schemes associated with the Coronavirus, including telephone fraud, where criminals call victims and pretend they are clinic or hospital officials, and claim that a relative has contracted the disease and asks him for medical treatment payments.