U.S. Secretary of State `` passes responsibility for spread of infection ''

The U.S. secretary of state, Pompeio, talked over the Chinese diplomacy on Friday with a member of the Political Affairs Politics Bureau over the new coronavirus on Tuesday. did.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted last week on Twitter that the U.S. military may have brought it to China, and a senior U.S. State Department official has just called out a Chinese ambassador to the United States about the new coronavirus.

According to the U.S. State Department, Pompeio emphasized that "all nations should work together to combat a common threat, rather than spread hoaxes and weird rumors."

A Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency reported that a member of the Political Affairs Bureau of Yang emphasized that `` China's response was transparent and highly praised by the international community, '' and warned the U.S. side not to harm China's interests. The talks seemed to have ended with excuses.
* “Chi” is made of bamboo crown and shiraki.