Paris (AFP)

Christophe Castaner, speaking explicitly of "confinement", told the French on Monday to stay at home, barring exceptions, to fight against the spread of the coronavirus and promised the mobilization of 100,000 police and gendarmes for checks.

"The watchword is clear: stay at home!" Said the Minister of the Interior during a press briefing. All those who circulate must be "able to justify their movement", he said, adding that a fine for offenders would soon be raised to 135 euros. Today it is only 38 euros.

As announced earlier by the Head of State, the Minister of the Interior recalled that traffic restrictions would begin Tuesday at noon for 15 days, possibly renewable.

"These are containment measures along the lines of what our Italian or Spanish neighbors have put in place. What the President of the Republic has described are the most restrictive measures in force today Europe, "said Mr. Castaner.

For each trip, in addition to certain professional cards, the French will have to present a "document attesting on their honor the reason" for the trip, in particular downloadable from the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Other trips are outside the restrictions: those "necessary for shopping or for basic necessities, for health reasons, for trips with a compelling family reason, for vulnerable people, to help a dependent relative or for separated parents to pick up or drop off the children, "he added.

The minister also clarified that "brief trips near the home" would also be tolerated.

"We can still practice a physical activity or take out our dog but everyone will have to do it sparingly," added the minister.

"If I want to summarize: we can get some fresh air but certainly not play a football match," said the Minister of the Interior.

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