• Royal House.The King renounces the inheritance and withdraws the assignment to Don Juan Carlos for his fund in a tax haven
  • Reactions.Casado supports the King and says that the PP trusts his "exemplary public service"
  • Justice: The keys to the case that affects Juan Carlos I
  • Investigation.Corinna indicates a millionaire donation from Don Juan Carlos

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont has said this Sunday that the monarchy has sought "the best time to remove ballast in a less impactful way for society" , in reference to the coronavirus emergency.

In a note on Twitter this Sunday collected by Europa Press, Puigdemont has reacted to the announcement of Felipe VI to renounce the inheritance of Don Juan Carlos that could personally correspond to him and eliminate the allocation that King emeritus has set in the Budgets of the Royal Household .

"They have chosen when everyone is in shock at the advent of the pandemic," and in another tweet, he recalled that four days ago , the PSOE, PP and Vox refused to create a parliamentary commission to investigate the monarchy, while its own Casa Real confirms this Sunday that there is much to investigate, Puigdemont added verbatim.

ERC sees in the King's statement "a confession"

For his part, the ERC spokesman in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, considers that the statement issued this Sunday by Felipe VI is "a full-blown confession" about the actions of his father, Juan Carlos I, and has announced that he is leaving to put the parliamentary groups in touch with this so that the Chamber opens an investigation.

"We will be in touch tonight with the rest of the parliamentary groups to activate all the investigative mechanisms within our reach with the greatest possible consensus and force. Enough of impunity is enough, " Rufián wrote in a Twitter message, collected by Europe. Press.

Two weeks ago after learning the latest news about the alleged accounts and donations attributed to the King Emeritus, both ERC and Grupo Plural , on the one hand, and Unidas Podemos, on the other, registered petitions in Congress asking for the creation of a commission to to investigate the alleged irregularities committed by Juan Carlos I.

PSOE and Podemos, disagree

Specifically, the initiative of the Catalan separatists and the Plural Group, which make up Junts, Compromís, Más País and Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG), wanted the Lower House to investigate the alleged irregular accounts of the King Emeritus in Switzerland and other tax havens, as how to determine the corresponding "civil, ethical and political" responsibilities of the former Head of State.

For its part, the text of Unidas Podemos spoke of the "alleged commission of, among others, possible crimes of money laundering" and indicated that "it is not ruled out that they are currently being carried out or would have been subsequently carried out" the abdication Don Juan Carlos, that is, in 2014, a time when, as they stressed, "it ceased to be inviolable . "

However, as in similar initiatives presented on previous occasions --also by those of Pablo Iglesias--, the Congress Table, on the criterion expressed by the lawyers, refused on the 10th to process both petitions. A vote in which a new division between the government partners was evident because while Unidas Podemos supported processing, the PSOE supported its inadmissibility along with the PP and Vox.

In their report, the lawyers justified their rejection by reiterating the background and the interpretation that the Constitutional Court has been making about the position of the Head of State, which, they allege, the King is "inviolable" in accordance with the provisions of the Magna Carta. The legal services of the Chamber have always opposed labeling control initiatives to the Crown.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • ERC
  • Philip VI
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • Real home
  • Gabriel Rufián
  • Juan Carlos I
  • Spain

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