Paris (AFP)

The leader of EELV Yannick Jadot asked Sunday evening to postpone the second round of the municipal elections, after a first round marked by a strong abstention and while the number of victims of the coronavirus increases in France.

"I solemnly call on the President of the Republic to make the health of the French prevail in all circumstances and this, from now on, in the most complete transparency. I ask him to bring together tomorrow morning the representatives of the political forces to learn all the lessons of this first round. And I ask him to organize with these political forces the postponement of the second round, "said Mr. Jadot shortly after 8 pm.

"We are going through a major health crisis. We must individually and collectively respect scrupulously and with discipline the recommendations of the health authorities. Many lives are at stake", underlined the MEP, who also welcomed the fact that environmentalists are now a "central force".

"It is up to us in these times of risk and peril, to carry a life expectancy," he said.

LFI MP François Ruffin had also estimated earlier that the second round should be postponed.

Same story on the RN side. "I don't see how we can ask for total confinement and organize a second round next Sunday," said MEP Nicolas Bay on BFMTV, when rumors of such confinement were running on Sunday evening.

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