Le Havre (AFP)

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, candidate for municipal elections in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), voted early Sunday morning observing the barrier gestures intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Arrived at 8:15 am at the polling station of the Ancelot school, the Prime Minister stayed away from other voters. After voting electronically, he took a pen from his jacket to sign the signing list. Then he disinfected his hands with an alcoholic gel placed on the polling station.

Mr. Philippe, mayor of Le Havre from 2010 to 2017, did not make a statement after leaving the polling station.

Regional presidents and elected officials of all stripes demanded a postponement of the municipal elections on Saturday because of the spread of the coronavirus, but the executive said that the maintenance was in order.

The candidate Prime Minister had to cancel his last meeting due to a health crisis and has already announced that he will only sit at the town hall once his lease in Matignon has expired.

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