
The United States has added the United Kingdom and Ireland to non-entry countries to prevent the spread of Corona19. President Trump, who had contacted confirmers, also said he had been tested for Corona19.

Correspondent Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung in Washington.


From today (15th), a fever test became mandatory to enter the White House press conference.

From President Trump to reporters, all were inspected, and admission was denied when body temperature exceeded 37.8 degrees Celsius.

After the Brazilian president's attendant and Mayor Miami, who were met last weekend, were confirmed by Corona19, President Trump also said he had been tested.

[Trump / President of the United States: Corona 19 was tested yesterday. (When will the results come out?) I'm not sure. Maybe it will take a day or two. I sent it to the lab for inspection.]

Britain and Ireland, which had been left out of European bans, were eventually added to the country.

[Pence / US Vice President: The President has decided to ban all travel to England and Ireland. It takes effect from midnight on Monday.]

The US Department of Defense, which issued a ban on US troop movements, said it would also ban all US troops and their families from traveling inside the United States to prevent the spread of Corona19.

Corona19 infection in the United States has spread more and more, with over 2,300 confirmed cases over the course of 49 weeks and 50 deaths.