Professor Michael Pfeiffer warned that smoking raises the risk of infection with viruses, including the new Corona virus (Covid-19).

The President of the German Society of Pulmonary Medicine stated that smoking weakens the immune forces of the airways, so viruses find it difficult to attack the respiratory system.

Because of smoking, the disease - if infected - takes a severe and life-threatening path, so smoking cessation should be taken as a precaution in order to reduce the risk of infection with the Coronavirus.

Besides quitting smoking, general health requirements should also be adhered to, as hands should be washed with soap for a period of no less than 20 seconds on a regular basis, taking into account the cleaning of spaces between the fingers and the back of the hand as well, as well as avoiding human gatherings as possible.

The doctor should be consulted immediately upon suspected infection with the Coronavirus, the symptoms of which are throat pain, fever, cough, cold, headache, severe fatigue, limb pain, and breathing problems, such as shortness of breath and shortness of breath.