Coronavirus: US President Donald Trump declares national emergency

President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency from the White House on March 13, 2020. REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

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After having minimized for weeks the epidemic of coronavirus, and faced with the increase in the number of sick, the American president decides to declare a state of emergency. A measure that frees up $ 50 billion in federal funds to meet the needs created by the arrival of the disease.


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With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

" Today I am officially announcing the national emergency," said the President. This measure will unlock up to $ 50 billion for states, territories and municipalities in our common fight against this disease. I also ask every hospital in this country to activate emergency preparedness plans so that they can meet the needs of Americans everywhere. We will remove or remove any barriers necessary to provide our people with the care they need and to which they are entitled. "

To unleash the full power of the Federal Government in this effort, today I am officially declaring a National Emergency.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2020

Listening to Donald Trump, the management of the coronavirus epidemic has been excellent: the closing of the borders, he said, has saved many lives. And the establishment of the state of emergency will make it possible to complete an already fully operational system.

Much criticized for the slowness with which screening tests have been made available in the United States, Donald Trump assured that five million new tests will be available within a month. But during the press conference that followed his intervention, the American president was sometimes jostled with questions.

" Today we are announcing a new partnership with the private sector to massively increase and accelerate our capabilities to screen for coronavirus, " he continued. We are in contact with pharmacies and large retailers to install test centers accessible to cars in critical locations. The goal is that people can drive to these places and be tested without leaving their vehicle . "

When asked about the delays and dysfunctions observed in the distribution of these screening tests, he replied: " I am not at all responsible for it because we inherited rules from another era. "

And if a journalist questions him about the dismantling in May 2018 of the pandemic management cell set up by the Obama administration, and whose disappearance has been strongly criticized by experts, he retorts: " I think it's a nasty question and when you say it's me, it's not me. Perhaps I can ask my administration because I am not aware of it. "

" We will go beyond that "

Donald Trump is not immune to contradictions either. After having affirmed that he did not need a screening test since he does not have the symptoms of the disease, he finally announces when he is reminded that he has been around a person infected with the virus, that he will submit to it, " probably yes ". " We don't want everyone to undergo these tests, " said the president. Before continuing: " It will pass, we will go beyond that and come out stronger. "

Nancy Pelosi Announces Legislation to Help Families

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that she has reached an agreement with the Donald Trump administration on measures to stem the impact of the coronavirus on the U.S. economy and the tens of millions of employees in the precarious status. The text will then have to be approved in the Senate, which did not plan to be in session until Monday afternoon, then be signed by Donald Trump to enter into force.

The three most important parts of this text are: test, test, test. This law facilitates access to free coronavirus testing for anyone who needs it, including those who are not insured. We can only beat this epidemic if we can precisely determine its scale and scope, in order to apply the precise answers recommended by science. Our legislation establishes the establishment of two weeks of paid sick leave, for those affected by the virus. And for those who lose their jobs we are strengthening unemployment insurance, an essential step to protect the economic security of workers. Since the schools are closed, the children will be deprived of their meals. Our law takes decisive action to strengthen food security for schoolchildren, the elderly and food banks. Our great nation has already faced crises and each time, thanks to the courage, optimism, perseverance and patriotism of the American people, we have overcome them. By working together, we will win again and come out stronger than before.

Nancy Pelosi: "This law facilitates access to screening tests ..."

Our selection on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

The point in the world: Follow the situation of the pandemic in the world

Explanation: Why the WHO declares the Covid-19 epidemic as a pandemic

An infographic: The coronavirus in 7 points

Practical questions:
→ Who are the vulnerable people ?
What should you do when you think you are contaminated ?
Quarantine, what are we talking about ?
What treatments ?

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  • Coronavirus
  • United States
  • Donald trump

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