China News Service, Beijing, March 13th. The State Council Information Office issued the "Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019" on the 13th. The report states that the lack of restricted gun freedom in the United States has led to the proliferation of gun violence and constituted the safety of citizens' lives, people and property A serious threat; increasing monetary politics distorts public opinion and turns the so-called democratic elections into a game of the rich.

The report believes that the manufacture, sale, and use of guns in the United States is a huge industrial chain, forming a huge interest group. AOL Media reported on December 11, 2019 that the United States is the country with the largest number of privately owned guns in the world. The number of guns far exceeds the total population. In 2017, there were an average of 120.5 guns per 100 residents.

The report quotes the British "Mirror" website report on December 30, 2019. According to data from the "Gun Violence Archives", there were a total of 415 large-scale shootings in the United States in 2019, an average of more than one per day, reaching the statistics since 2014. A new historical high since.

The FBI 2018 U.S. Crime Report released in 2019 shows that there were 1,206,836 violent crime cases in the United States in 2018. The National Criminal Victimization Survey Report released by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2019 shows that 3.3 million residents in the United States over the age of 12 suffered violent crimes in 2018, and this data has increased for three consecutive years.

The FBI's "U.S. Crime Report 2018" released in 2019 shows that there were 7196045 property crime cases in the United States in 2018, with an average of 2199.5 cases per 100,000 residents, and victims of property crime suffered a total of US $ 16.4 billion in losses.

The report states that U.S. citizens have suffered systematic violations of their personal dignity and privacy. The Dallas Morning News website reported on December 6, 2019 that the U.S. federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have eight secret surveillance centers in Texas alone, sharing intelligence to monitor social media and other online forums.

A US Audit Office report on June 4, 2019 shows that the FBI's Face Recognition Office can arbitrarily retrieve a database containing more than 641 million photos without legal permission.

The report states that political elections in the United States have become a game of money. CNN reported on February 7, 2019 that the U.S. midterm election expenses in 2018 amounted to $ 5.7 billion, even exceeding the $ 5.3 billion spent in the 2008 presidential election, becoming the most expensive congressional election ever.

The Times website reported on August 14, 2019 that in the 2018 midterm elections, the 10 largest individual donors injected $ 436 million into the Super Political Action Committee. Rich special interest groups have gained unprecedented political influence, and money has dominated the political process, "distorting true public opinion and eroding the cornerstone of democracy." (Finish)