The Health Department has decided to extend the closure of Basque schools to Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa , so that there will be no classes in any educational center in the Basque Country due to the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. In total, the measure affects 375,000 students between 0 and 18 years old including FP. To these we will have to add special education students, around 70,000, plus university students.

Yesterday, after it was known that there are 12 children infected, - in a while, the counselor Nekane Murga will detail if the number has increased - the decision had already been made to extend the closure of schools to all of Álava and the schools in Balmaseda in Vizcaya, where cases have been registered.

The Govern raises it

For its part, the Government of the Generalitat works with the forecast of closing all educational centers starting next Monday to stop the expansion of the coronavirus. Although the measure is not yet official, sources from the Department of Education admit that it works with this scenario in the absence of consensus with the rest of the Catalan Executive and publicly announce it to the population.

The measure would affect all kindergartens, community institute schools and in this way Catalonia would follow the path begun by the Community of Madrid and Vitoria, which closed the schools last Monday.

Catalonia had already ordered the closure of several educational centers after detecting infections among members of the teaching staff and having to quarantine the vast majority of the teaching staff of these schools. Specifically, the Generalitat has already closed a school in Prat de Llobregat , one in Sabadell and all the colleges and universities in Igualada , Jorba , Santa Margarida de Montbui , Vilanova del Camí and Òdena . The current closings already affect 17,000 students.

The Department of Education is also considering modifying the school pre-enrollment calendar, which should start on March 23, given that some centers are still holding open days.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Catalonia
  • Alava
  • Basque Country
  • Madrid's community
  • Education
  • society
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

CoronavirusCatalonia plans to close schools from next Monday

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