The United States demanded from France the extradition of Jalal Rohollahnejad for violation of the American embargo against Iran. The Court of Cassation accepted, Wednesday, March 12, at the request of the Americans to deliver the Iranian engineer detained in France since February 2019. American federal judges suspect Rohollahnejad of a series of offenses related to the attempt to bring in Iran, via the United Arab Emirates, industrial microwave systems and anti-drone systems: these materials could, affirm the American authorities, be easily transformed into armaments.

According to American justice, the engineer acted on behalf of an Iranian company in relation to the body of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, spearhead of the Tehran regime. A specialist in optical fibers, linked to the University of Tehran, this engineer said he had gone to France as part of a cooperation with a French company on the search for groundwater in the Persian Gulf.

To be effective, the extradition of this forties requires a decree from Prime Minister Édouard Philippe.

Trial of French researchers in Tehran

The decision comes a week after the trial in Tehran of two French academics detained in Iran since June, Fariba Adelkhah and Roland Marchal, began. They are accused of crimes against the national security of the state and seen by certain sources as a possible currency. According to information obtained from their lawyer, Mr. Saïd Dehghan, the rest of their trial was postponed to an unspecified date.

In recent months, Iran has exchanged prisoners with countries holding Iranian nationals who have been sentenced, awaiting trial, or are threatened with extradition to the United States.

With AFP

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