Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the Federation of doctors of France, reacted Thursday evening to the speech of Emmanuel Macron on the coronavirus. He believes that, although the measures announced by the President of the Republic come a little late, they are a step in the right direction.


Better late than never. This is how we could sum up Jean-Paul Hamon's thought, following President Macron's speech. Guest of Europe 1 Thursday evening following the speech of the Head of State, the President of the Federation of Doctors of France welcomed the transition to "high speed" in the measures taken to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

"We are going into high gear with these closings of school and nurseries. We will see if we manage to brake (the epidemic)", reacted Jean-Paul Hamon, who was mixed on this point. The confinement of schoolchildren and schoolchildren "will undoubtedly limit the navigation of the virus, but we continue to work. So we will have to continue to take barrier measures, remind them and especially take measures in Ehpad to protect the old" , he added.

>> READ ALSO - Coronavirus: what Emmanuel Macron announced Thursday evening

"We are eight days behind the Italians ..."

If he considers that the decisions taken are going in the right direction, the president of the Federation of Doctors of France regrets the time taken to reach such a decision. "We are eight days behind the Italians (...) There was undoubtedly a delay in switching on. There was a lot of nervousness on the part of the doctors, but they ensured throughout this period ", he recalls.

A point of view shared by the colleague of Jean-Paul Hamon, Gilles Pialoux, doctor at the Tenon hospital in Paris and specialist in infectious and tropical diseases. "I am happy that the President of the Republic has brought this coronavirus crisis to a national dimension, because it is important", he first said on Europe 1. "But the problem is that things go back to him a little late. And on the ground, we already have that impression when we look at the Italian figures, the Chinese figures, or when we compare with the flu, "he concluded.