An internal e-mail message seen by Reuters states that Emirates, one of the world's largest airlines, will freeze recruitment and has told its staff that an outbreak of the Corona virus may be the biggest challenge the company has faced in years.

"This latest challenge appears to be the largest that Emirates and the sector have faced for many years," the message said, referring to the outbreak of the virus that the World Health Organization described yesterday as a pandemic.

Emirates Airlines, one of the world's largest airlines, is expected to cancel further flights, according to the internal e-mail.

Emirates Airlines President Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum said in the message that the company has already significantly reduced passenger flights this March through its network, and is likely to make further reductions according to developments.

The World Health Organization yesterday described the outbreak of the virus as a global epidemic, India suspended most foreigners, and the United States restricted travel from most European countries, all of which would further harm the aviation sector.