(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) "Them" in the epidemic sets up a monument of war epidemic

China News Agency, Beijing, March 8th (Reporter Wang Zumin) March 8th is a festival for women worldwide. The ongoing epidemic of new crown pneumonia has devoured the atmosphere that should belong to this "festival". This day is just one of the dozens of days during which the women were fighting the virus during the epidemic.

On the 7th, the Central Propaganda Department, the National Health and Medical Commission and other departments jointly released the "Hero Spectrum of First-line Medical Staff's Anti-epidemic Infectious Diseases", including 20 people including Wuhan Xiehe Jiangbei Hospital, who was a veterinarian of life and practiced the oath of medical practitioners. . They are just representatives of countless "anti-epidemic towels".

The hospital is at the forefront of the country ’s war epidemic. Of the more than 40,000 medical staff helping Hubei, more than 65% are women.

They are scientists who work day and night to confront the new crown virus in small laboratories; they are builders of construction sites such as Raytheon Mountain and Vulcan Mountain, and they race against time for the treatment of patients; they are communities walking door-to-door and door-to-door Workers, guarding the first pass for epidemic prevention and control; they are volunteers who run wherever they are needed; they use flesh and blood to build countless unobstructed bridges; they are reporters from different media at the fastest speed The message of the epidemic area is transmitted to the world; they are front-line workers who adhere to all walks of life and provide comprehensive guarantees for the victory of the war epidemic ...

On weekdays, they are mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters, and now they have a common name: the war fighters.

In life, they are either charming, elegant, intellectual, dignified, or playful ... Nowadays, masks cover their pretty reds, protective clothing covers their graceful curves, and they show off with cutouts. Hair, indentations on the cheeks, hands eroded by disinfection water ... interpret the beauty of Oriental women.

In their hoarse voices, the energy of the beating of life is passed on. They are tired, hurried but steady and firm, and they are walking out of the trajectory of the recovery of a city and a country.

In the past, they would shed tears, be mischievous, and even shout grievances, but now they only have one sentence: don't be afraid, I'm here!

The Chinese word "good" is composed of "woman"-because of the woman, the world can be so beautiful.

They combine the tenderness, kindness and tenacity of traditional Chinese women with the decisiveness and dedication of modern women. They use word-for-sale letters, declarations on protective clothing, and "her figure" active in all front-line positions to the world. Proof: We are never absent at times of crisis!

Since ancient times, war has kept women away. But in the battlefield against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, they were charged like men. In this war without gunpowder, "them" set up a monument of war epidemic that will impress today and admire later generations.

Today, China's defense control situation continues to improve. I hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible, and they will be able to return home safely and return to the appearance of women next to their parents, husbands, children and brothers and sisters. I hope that there will be no disaster in this world. Holiday. (Finish)