“Donald Trump maliciously enhances US illegal sanctions to deplete Iran’s resources that are needed in the fight against COVID-19, while our citizens are dying of the disease,” he wrote on Twitter.

. @ realDonaldTrump is maliciously tightening US 'illegal sanctions with aim of draining Iran's resources needed in the fight against # COVID19 — while our citizens are dying from it.

The world can no longer be silent as US #EconomicTerrorism is supplanted by its #MedicalTerrorism.

- Javad Zarif (@JZarif) March 7, 2020

Zarif said that the world cannot silently look at how "US economic terrorism is replaced by medical terrorism."

Earlier it became known that the number of recorded cases of coronavirus infection in Iran reached 5823.

March 5, Trump said that Washington is ready to help Tehran in the fight against COVID-19, if the Iranian side is interested in this.