- Because of the outbreak, we want to try many people to find any ill early and actively be able to seek cases around such a person, provide care and isolate the affected person. One way to do it in a slightly smoother way is to do the sampling outdoors, says David Ekqvist, a doctor at the infectious clinic at the University Hospital in Linköping.

See the infectious doctor tell you how they work with the corona eruption in the clip above.

"Noticing no major concern"

A large part of the public is concerned about the corona virus, but Frida Almqvist, section manager at the infectious clinic, says that the staff at the University Hospital are well prepared and that they have no concern about dealing with suspected coronary cases.

- Among the staff, we do not notice any major concern. You probably don't work at an infection clinic unless you think this is a little tickling actually, ”she says.

See more in the clip below:

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Hear Frida Almqvist, section leader, about what it is like to be the first instance in the fight against the corona virus. Photo: Axel Brantemo