
As a result of the domestic situation, 91 places have been banned or restricted from entering Korea. It is estimated that about 1,200 Koreans are currently isolated in various countries, and the government is considering whether to send a quick response team.

Reporter Kim Hye-young reports.


As of yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says about 1,200 people are sequestered around the world.

China has the largest number of 840 people, 270 in Vietnam, about 10 in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Qatar, and one or two in India, Belarus, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, respectively.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is considering dispatching a rapid response team to each country to help isolated people.

However, the quick response team can be quarantined for two weeks, so we are discussing whether we can get a quarantine exception from each country.

Currently, embassies and consulates in each country are assisting the consulate.

[Kim In-cheol / Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Our consular staff directly supports the airport and other sites to minimize the inconvenience of the people. .]

Mr. Kang made a series of phone calls with foreign ministers in El Salvador, India and Indonesia yesterday and asked for immediate withdrawal.

To date, 91 countries and regions have restricted or restricted entry.

As soon as possible, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to reconvene a briefing session on the diplomatic mission to Korea.