Shaima Abdullah

Do you put your head on the pillow in preparation for sleep do not find it? Do ideas attack you at night or before your daily tasks? Many see their suffering with excessive thinking and are unaware of what they are experiencing daily.

The truth is that those who suffer from waking up at night and the eye soaring in the void and the head swamped by ideas all bear a curse with a number of clear signs.

In order to consider yourself sick with that monster that eats you at night, there are eight signs that Success Consciousness tells you if you have symptoms of excessive thinking or not, you need to pay attention to them well, and then deal with them.

1- It faces a problem in making decisions
No matter how simple the decision, you will face a crisis in making it if you suffer from excessive thinking, so it takes you the decision to go to a restaurant for lunch until the time for dinner.

But if the decision is related to work, travel, or fateful decisions in life, you may need months to reach a final decision, and this is the first sign that tells you that you suffer from excessive thinking, so do not underestimate it at all.

2- Rumination of past events
You are a prisoner of your past and its events. It takes hours for you to think about the events that took place years ago or even occupy you last night and what happened in them.

It is very stressful to spend too much time blaming yourself, disassembling events and linking situations that have already occurred, and ruminating them will not help you.

Ruminating events and linking situations will make you captive to your past (Pixels ).

3- Repeating the same questions
You might find yourself repeating the same questions on one occasion, like "What's up with you? How are you? Is there anything new?"

Frequently asked questions in every meeting or call with your friends, you cannot open new dialogues, or because you are afraid to rush into a dialogue that will lead to a decision.

4- Avoid confrontations
Preoccupied with the affairs of others, and you unconsciously search for what distracts you, so thoughts in your head revolve without disclosing them, avoiding that for fear of commitment to implementation or the large number of accounts that revolve in your mind, this habit will cause the accumulation of ideas in your head, and then make you easy prey for them when they call you without trafficker.

5- Searching for information
When it comes to searching for information, it may become necessary in the fateful decisions, but if it is about a type of food or a restaurant or reports on films to choose which of them to watch, then this means that you are an unnatural person and suffer from excessive thinking.

Preoccupation with searching for information, even in the most basic matters, is a clear sign of excessive thinking (pixels)

6- You are absent
Your constant preoccupation with ideas makes you non-existent for those around you, you do not trade them, do not pay attention to them, and do not pay attention to your life with them, you have to care and interact with those around you, without them you are a non-existent person living in your isolated island.

7- Do not sleep well
Your mind does not stop spinning, thoughts in your wake, sleep and dreams surprise you, and at night your mind turns into a mill that works tirelessly, thoughts also surprise you in your dreams and you wake up tired as if you did not sleep at all.

8- Anxiety prevents you from progressing
Excessive thinking has degrees, and the most difficult when your life stops because of it, and your constant question becomes "What if?", In this case do not hesitate to seek medical help, there are many cognitive and behavioral treatments that help you to get your mind back from the well of ideas.