Primary Democrats: Michael Bloomberg's strategy seems to be paying off

American Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg in the city of Compton, California, February 3, 2020. Andrew Cullen / Reuters

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He decided to ignore the Democratic primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Michael Bloomberg prefers to focus on "Super Tuesday" in early March to deal with the vote. In the meantime, the billionaire floods with advertisements the fifteen States concerned ... and climbs in the polls.


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With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

His strategy is unprecedented: arriving late in the Democratic primary race for the 2020 US presidential election, Michael Bloomberg snubbed the first four elections, including that of New Hampshire on Tuesday, February 11, and concentrated his almost unlimited financial means on the States with the most delegates: California, New York, Texas and Florida. He has already spent $ 224 million on television spots. It is thirteen times more than its competitors.

Donald Trump is increasingly targeting him

Michael Bloomberg's campaign team is also on the field. It intends to enter into direct contact with ten million voters by March 3, the day of "Super Tuesday" ("Super Tuesday"). These efforts are starting to pay off: according to a national poll published Monday, February 10, the billionaire rose to third place in the Democratic primary. It recovers voters worried about the bad performance of Joe Biden, in particular within the African-American population.

According to a survey, the former vice-president of Barack Obama lost 24% of the voting intentions among blacks between December and February, while Michael Bloomberg saw his rating go from 4 to 22% among this electorate. The billionaire's breakthrough seems to worry Donald Trump: the President of the United States is increasingly targeting him and regularly makes fun of his size. He nicknamed him "Mini Mike".

Trump's deleted tweet is the latest example of his endless efforts to divide Americans. The President's attack clearly reflects his fear over the growing strength of our campaign.

Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) February 11, 2020

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  • USA elections 2020

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