Paris (AFP)

The deputy LREM Guillaume Gouffier Cha castigated Tuesday evening the "innuendos" and "grotesque innuendo" of a rebellious parliamentarian on the "walker" Jacques Maire, co-rapporteur of the pension reform, about his past duties in the Axa insurance group.

According to Guillaume Gouffier Cha, himself general rapporteur of the pension reform, the deputy LFI Mathilde Panot "insinuated" that Jacques Maire (LREM) defended the bill because "he had worked at one time at Axa".

In a "clarification", Mr. Gouffier Cha denounced in committee to the Assembly an "attack of a particularly strong intellectual dishonesty" and "grotesque innuendo".

"I would like to salute the man and the quality of Jacques Maire who worked until 2012 at Axa and then returned to Quai d'Orsay, and who was then manager of Vigeo", a social and environmental rating agency, he stressed, congratulating himself on having colleagues who "don't have only political mandates for their experience".

In opposition, however, Boris Vallaud (PS) assured Mr. Maire that "everyone judges their work on the merits of the reform, nothing more".

LR Eric Woerth, in turn, denounced "personal misinformation" which "distorts parliamentary work. It generally reflects on the emitters of this type of rumors and unbearable suspicion".

Tuesday, the rebellious Mathilde Panot presented Jacques Maire on Twitter as "an enarque who went from senior administration to the management of Axa - who is delighted with the pension reform - professional backpacker and gold medalist! You have says general interest? ".

"It is not a grotesque innuendo but a question of transparency. It is not the best thing to choose a former Axa leader as rapporteur. It is a situation that can resemble a conflict of interests, "said Ms. Panot to AFP.

Former PS, Jacques Maire, 57, is responsible for the part of the text dedicated to "equity and freedom in retirement". He is the son of the former leader of the CFDT Edmond Maire, at the origin of the reforming turn of the central, and was himself a trade unionist in his youth.

During his career, this enarque oscillated between ministerial offices and the private sector, with a few years at Axa.

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