In 2008, Jamie Angeloni voted for Barack Obama. In 2016, by Donald Trump. And in November, he will do it again for the current president. But before he expects great things from the United States, especially now that Trump has emerged unscathed from the 'impeachment'. The interesting thing comes when asked what exactly.

"Executions. Those who launched the 'impeachent' deserve it. What they have done are crimes against Humanity. I hope they submit them to war councils," Angeloni told EL MUNDO yesterday at the door of the Super 8 chain motel. next to Manchester Airport, the largest city in the State of New Hampshire.

It was 8.10 hours. Angeloni had driven for two hours from the neighboring State of Connecticut to Manchester, and had paid the $ 300 (275 euros) charged by Super 8 per night. It is almost three times the normal price of the establishment. But the hotels of New Hampshire are filled by the Democratic primary, which are held on Tuesday .

Primary that Trump has decided to trolley. Because Angeloni was leaving Super 8 towards SNHU Arena, the sports center in which the president was going to give a rally celebrating his victory in the Senate's political trial . There were 12 hours left for the rally. But you had to hurry. Others had been camping for a whole day in front of the SNHU Arena. In the end, as usual, Trump filled the 12,000 places in the store. And several thousand people stayed outside , below zero, between two spans of snow, watching the rally on a video screen.

Angeloni is not an exceptional case among the most fervent followers of the president of the United States. In fact, while talking to this newspaper, four more people left Super 8 and agreed with her on everything. They came from another neighboring state, Massachusetts. "Obama is a racist, in 2008 I did not know the difference between Democrats and Republicans, " Angeloni said. A 14-year-old boy who was with his twin brother nodded: "The greatest racist I have ever seen."

"What he has promised, he has fulfilled"

Sheathed in a faux fur coat, Angeloni reasoned the motives that encourage him to support Trump: "I adore a man who is not afraid, who is brave, who tells the truth, who is the most transparent president in history. .. and look what he has done: what he has promised, he has fulfilled ". More complex was his argument - and that of the other four - against the previous president: "He is not a good person." In any case, the days of good life of Obama and the Democrats are over, according to Angeloni. "Republicans are on the offensive now," he explained.

First was Trump's threat to put Hillary Clinton in jail when he won the election . Next, the investigation of the 'Russian plot' by Robert Mueller. Then, the report of the attorney general - a charge equivalent to that of the Minister of Justice - Bill Barr on how he had carried out the supervision of relations between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016. Now, it is another Barr report. Democrats are always about to go to jail.

Just go to Twitter to see those conspiracy theories. The hashtags #QAnon (a mysterious senior government official who leaks on the internet forum 4chan messages more unintelligible than the prophecies of Nostradamus announcing major events, such as the imposition of martial law by Trump), #FISA (relative to the courts that regulate the interception of communications), #declas (short for "declassification") and #pain (pain, which is what awaits all who do not go with Trump) are everywhere in that social network.

The end of the 'impeachment' for the 'Ukrainian plot' has caused a new explosion of those ideas. And that time passes and nothing happens. For now, the only one in jail is Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Yesterday, prosecutors asked for seven to nine years for the president's adviser and friend, Roger Stone, for lying to Congress about Trump's relations with Russia in 2016. But it doesn't matter. The rumors multiply. Hillary Clinton is under house arrest. Obama has unsuccessfully requested political asylum in Monaco. The anti-Trump Republican John McCain did not die of a brain tumor, but was tried in secret and executed, also in secret, for treason. The Guantanamo prison camp is being expanded to put all the Democrats there.

On a more serious level, Trump used his victory in the 'impeachment' to relaunch his toughest rhetoric, especially with immigration. In the company of his children, Ivanka and Don 'junior', the president told the story of the snake that asks a woman to let him into his house. She agrees and, once at home, the snake bites her hostess. "You knew damn well that I am a snake," the animal tells its dying victim. In Trump's world, the snake is undocumented immigrants.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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