Direct Report · Primary elections in New Hampshire


21 min

On Tuesday, the US state of New Hampshire goes to the polls to select who will challenge Donald Trump for the presidential post. The state may be small, with only 1.3 million inhabitants, but nonetheless the result is crucial for the candidates, says SVT's US correspondent Stefan Åsberg.

- Both Iowa and New Hampshire are significant states. Historically, it has been the case that no party has chosen any candidate who has not won or come second in these states, he says.

SVT · Adam Koskelainen

29 min22.31

Former Vice President Joe Biden finished fourth in Iowa. In the opinion polls for New Hampshire, Biden is predicted to end well after Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.

Joe Biden Skips Election Vacations - Goes to South Carolina Previously

SVT · Adam Koskelainen

36 min22.24

Analysis: "The most important choice in history" - but expectations are lowered

SVT NewsThe biggest threat to the Democrats is the lack of commitment. So far, the candidates have not succeeded in motivating their voters and voting means everything. Now it's time for New Hampshire.

SVT · Adam Koskelainen

1 hour21.43

Hey! Here we will report directly on the Democrats' primary election in New Hampshire.

SVT · Adam Koskelainen