Increased anti-Semitic acts in northern Italy

Liliana Segre during the plenary session in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on January 29, 2020. REUTERS / Francois Lenoir

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In 2018, 197 acts of an anti-Semitic nature, i.e. 60% more compared to the previous two years, were officially listed by the Observatory of Transalpine Anti-Semitism. The new figures have not yet been published. But the phenomenon is clearly on the increase. In particular in the north of Italy where the inhabitants of a commune of the province of Udine deplore a new outrage.


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With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

In San Daniele del Friuli, a small town in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, a wall of the house of a family, several of whose members were deported to Auschwitz in 1944, was covered with a swastika.

A few days before, in this same commune, four municipal councilors had received an anonymous letter on which were written the words "75 years later, a Jew is still a Jew".

Local cultural associations organized a flash mob to express their indignation. While the entire political class condemned this umpteenth act of hatred towards the Jews and reiterated its support for the Milanese senator Liliana Segre, a survivor of Auschwitz. The 89-year-old Holocaust activist, who has been the subject of hundreds of death threats, has been under police protection for three months.

According to the Eurispes Institute report, published on January 30, 16% of Italians deny the Holocaust compared to less than 2.7% in 2004.

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  • Italy

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