
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 01 February 2020 Studio 10 of Cinecittà. It is here, in the study of Federico Fellini, that the first National Assembly of Italia Viva started.

The leader of Italia Viva sul Conte bis says: "We have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister and we want to give him a hand and we hope that he will go on but it does not mean that he is the leader of the world's progressives". In addition, Renzi, reiterating his support for the government, affirms that: "We vote at the end of the legislature, in 2023, because in the last legislatures we voted at the end of the legislature. We vote every five years, not when someone decides".

In his speech Matteo Renzi places politics at the center of the common good : "We are here to try to talk about politics which is not simply making a tweet or participating in a talk but having a project, a vision, it is not ringing an intercom, populism. " And again: "We want to make a countertrend choice, because we want to discuss and luckily we are now a party where we can do it. So we have chosen the fresco of ' Good Government vs populism '".

Italia Viva's proposals to 'unlock' immobility will be the subject of the closure of the National Assembly on Sunday 2 February.

On the polls and numbers of the party Renzi says: "'When they don't know what to tell us they tell us that we only have 4%. If with 4% we manage to combine all this, imagine what we will be able to do when we reach 8 or 10% We are reformists who dream that they don't just have a list of things to do. ''

The leader of Italia Viva then adds: '' We must go back to good governance. We must be pioneers but not veterans. If we had wanted the treasure chest of memory we made a museum, not a party. There is a cultural challenge to face in the country that if we don't do it, nobody will. Tomorrow we will indicate 2020 appointments starting with the training school ''.

On the opposition and on Salvini he says that if he had gone to vote it would not have ended as in Emilia but as in Umbria. And Salvini with full powers could '' take us to Italalex '', the request '' for full powers could be not a joke, but a lucid political design of Salvini to bring Italy out of Europe ''.

Matteo Renzi then on Facebook underlines the success of the first Assembly of Italia Viva in Rome.