The officers in charge of health control at Abidjan International Airport are on the alert. Controls have been put in place to prevent any spread of the coronavirus in the country.

"If there is a passenger who is in a state of hyperthermia and who has a fever greater than or equal to 38, there you will see the alarm will be triggered", explains Mamadou Sidibé, head of the health control station by designating the screen on which the results of the tests carried out with a heat gun are displayed.

Each passenger must also disinfect their hands upon landing. These procedures are rather reassuring for passengers, some of whom may have been concerned about people wearing masks. "I was very worried. When I saw people who came from China, everyone wore masks, so I walked away a bit, I did not want to get into the crowds," said passenger Batumbu Bacili '' an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Guangzhou, China.

The airport health teams have also set up a space to quarantine possible patients. "The Ivory Coast reactivated very early on a device that was in place and that worked well during Ebola [in 2014]. As we say, we do not change a device that wins," said Dr. Aouélé Eugène Aka, Minister Ivorian Health.

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