The Ministry of Health and Community Protection has announced the diagnosis of one new case in the country for an outbreak of coronavirus, for a person coming from Wuhan, People's Republic of China, where he is receiving necessary treatment, and his health condition is stable and under care.

Thus, the number of cases discovered in the state is only five cases since the emergence of the disease, which indicates the strength and efficiency of the surveillance and disease surveillance system in the country, and the principle of transparency in announcing recorded cases.

The ministry pointed out that the previous four cases, which had been registered for a Chinese family, had been announced previously, were still receiving the necessary health care, and their general condition was stable, and there was no cause for concern about them.

The Ministry also works in coordination with the health authorities in the country by taking all preventive precautions, in a manner that guarantees the safety of citizens and residents, according to the standards of the World Health Organization.

The public is reassured that the cases registered in the country are not cause for concern, and they are very limited, especially as the state has a strong health system to monitor and combat epidemics.

The Ministry calls on citizens and residents to receive news from its official sources and not to circulate rumors, and to follow social media channels for official bodies, and the approved media.

The Ministry: The registered cases are limited ... and do not cause concern