Pedro Sánchez has personally transferred this Thursday to the head negotiator of the European Union for Brexit, Michel Barnier, that Spain wants the EU to maintain "the maximum and closest possible relationship" with the United Kingdom, provided there is reciprocity, both in the political level as in the economic one, as diplomatic sources have explained.

Sánchez has had a working lunch in Moncloa with Barnier. The president has transferred the priorities of Spain and the "red lines" of the Government in the negotiation of the future relationship of the EU with the United Kingdom that will begin in March.

As Moncloa sources explained, Madrid defends that the level of UK access to the single market "must go hand in hand with the degree of regulatory alignment" that London is willing to accept. For Spain, it is important that standards are included in the field of «State aid, competition, social rights and the environment».

Services, particularly air transport, are also a priority for the Government; the fishing, and the agricultural sector, to guarantee the greater possible access for the Spanish products to the British market, protecting the denominations of origin.

Regarding a key issue for Spain, Gibraltar, Moncloa stressed that the Government has already initiated bilateral contacts with the Boris Johnson Executive to define the future relationship of the colony with the EU.

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs they emphasize that the statement that Sánchez obtained in November 2018 guarantees that Spain will have the right to veto any negotiation that affects the Rock. This means that Brussels must first consult Madrid with the terms of any negotiation that affects the Rock. This right will be maintained during the negotiation of the future relationship, as the Government moved to Barnier.

The negotiator, meanwhile, stressed on Twitter that he and Sanchez agree to achieve "a close and fair economic relationship" with the United Kingdom and made it clear that "citizens are the priority."

Moncloa sources have added that both have agreed to qualify as "tight" the deadlines for reaching an agreement on the future relationship with the United Kingdom. The transitional period that opens ends on December 31.

Barnier has had an intense working day this Thursday in Madrid. In the morning, he met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arancha González Laya, and with the Secretary of State for the European Union, Luis Marco Aguiriano, who has been working on the memoranda of Spain with the United Kingdom and on the agreements on the Brexit since June 2018.

Afterwards, the EU negotiator met with Pedro Sánchez at the Palacio de La Moncloa. Finally, the day ended with another work meeting with the economic vice president and former European high-ranking official Nadia Calviño, before flying back to Brussels.

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