
January 30, 2020 - Russian police have caught two clumsy bank robbers whose coup has already been christened "the stupidest robbery of 2019".

The plan was ingenious: to rob a Christmas tree shop on New Year's Eve, the most popular goods during the holidays. The duo get into the car and travel 5,000 kilometers to get to Moscow. They locate the shop, hit the warden on the head, knocking him unconscious, and load the heavy store safe in their car.

Back home (another 5 thousand kilometers!), It takes them many days of hard work to saw and open the safe. But at the end of the effort, the terrible surprise: the safe was completely empty, since Muscovites, as you know, pay for their purchases with a credit card.

Now they face up to 15 years in prison. And they couldn't even pay for the gas for the return trip.