The relevant information is published on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

The department noted that it is possible to cure a new coronavirus.

“However, there is no specific antiviral drug for the new coronavirus - just as there is no specific treatment for most other respiratory viruses that cause colds,” the Rospotrebnadzor said.

The report said that viral pneumonia, which is the main and most dangerous complication of coronavirus, cannot be treated with antibiotics.

“In the case of pneumonia, the treatment is aimed at maintaining lung function,” the department said.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health of Russia on its website published the “List of Recommended Medicines for the Treatment of Coronavirus Infection in Adults” as part of temporary guidelines.

Among the drugs recommended by the Ministry are three drugs: ribavirin, lopinavir / ritonavir and recombinant interferon beta-1b.